
Philosopher looks for the arché of everything: the thing which is contained in everything, but without being anything. Talete is to be considered the first philosopher as he said that ”everything is water”. He is a philosopher because he indicated a whole, but he was wrong in considering a part as the whole. And so will do all the philosopher, even if they indicated an origin, for many centuries they considered one part was the whole thing, which explains all the parts and the relationships of that thing.
In fact, also the origin is a part, even if essential, of the whole. Only Saint Thomas has renewed the metaphysic by identifying the whole in the act of being, different from the being as real, as existing, which is a result of the act of being. Nevertheless, such interpretation did not give him sufficient visibility. At his humility, he attributed to Aristotle philosophical truths, allowing himself to be a theologian.
Cornelio Fabro discovered the great innovation carried out by Thomas, who was able to renew the metaphysics by rising it from the numerous “funerals” that had affected it during the history of human thought, in particular after Kant. But it is still necessary to dig. To me, the origin/ arché of all things is the act of being rational, that it is possible to catch by entering in the world of the transcendental relationality besides the greatest of the classics: true, good, beautiful, one.

It is the transcendental of the dynamics donation-attraction: the being looks for the being, the being attracts the being, the being itself is a fundamental of the being as an act. Therefore, the relationship is not accidental anymore, but it can be, in its original meaning, the origin of the being and, in spiritual creatures, of love. Therefore, all metaphysics is revolutionized and becomes the real ultimate reference of all sciences and, above all, of the synergy of all sciences. Through the discovery of a common relational foundation, sciences like sociology, psychology, anthropology, etc., can dialogue, interact and complement each other.


From “Laicità e cristianesimo”.

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